Season’s Greetings! Some of us are definitely eating more than usual this month. Food plays a huge role in many holiday gatherings. Those delicious seasonal meals and treats may not be great for our waistlines, but they are definitely food for the soul. Of course, our furry pals also enjoy indulging in some yummy snacks. A Wichita, KS vet offers some advice on this below.

Dogs And Cats

For the most part, Fido and Fluffy can eat the same things. Plain, cooked boneless meat, fish, or poultry is a good option for both of them. You can also offer some deli meat, canned chicken or tuna in water, cooked eggs, and/or small bits of cheese. 


It probably isn’t a big surprise to find apples, carrots, and peppermints on the top of Silver’s favorite foods list. Horses can also have many types of fruit, such as strawberries, melons, and bananas, as well as certain veggies. Be careful with how you cut these items: while most horses are pretty good about chewing their food, there is still a choking risk. You can also offer bran mash, oats with molasses, and/or sweet feed, but you’ll need to be careful not to give your horse too much sugar. Ask your vet for recommendations.


Most fruits and veggies are safe for Bessie. Alfalfa cubes may also get you a happy ear wiggle. It may surprise you to learn that Bessie has a sweet tooth. Things like gummy worms, hard candy, and even candy corn can be offered on occasion, as long as you don’t go overboard. Hot chocolate mix is another favorite, though unfortunately, it will not result in your buddy providing chocolate milk.


Many birds like fruits, such as mango, pomegranate, bananas, cantaloupe, or apples. Polly may also enjoy pasta, seeds, and cooked beans. However, different types of birds have different nutritional needs. Ask your vet for more information. 


Although every animal is different, some foods are unsafe for most of them. That list includes meat on the bone, avocado, garlic and onions, raw dough or yeast, chocolate, caffeine, and anything that contains xylitol. Grapes and raisins are safe for some pets, but are extremely dangerous—and in fact, potentially deadly—for dogs and cats. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Happy Holidays! Please contact us here at your Wichita, KS pet clinic, anytime!