Autumn has officially arrived! If you have a barn, farm, or stable, you may find yourself with some extra chores at this time of year … not that there’s ever a shortage of work to be done. A Wichita, KS vet lists a few seasonal items to add to your to-do list below.

Check Blankets

Got horses? Silver may need blankets when it’s cold. Make sure everything is clean and in good condition.

Deep Cleaning

Clean sheds, outbuildings, windows, and tack rooms. Check your roof for leaks, and repair anything that requires you to be on a ladder for.

Order Supplies

The last thing you want is to run low on food or bedding when it’s frigid out. You don’t have to get enough to last all winter, but it’s a good idea to keep at least several week’s worth. This is also a good time to order gravel.

Check Food Storage Areas

Speaking of supplies, make sure that you have a clean, dry place to store your food and bedding. Use rodent-proof containers for grain.

Manure Pickup

Do you get your barn waste picked up? Have a load hauled away before the temperatures drop.

Make Treats!

Farm animals love snacks too! Apples are of course a great seasonal option. You can also offer bran mash or some custom-made cookies.

Pest Control

Once it starts getting cold, rodents and other vermin will be even more determined to get inside. Use humane, non-toxic methods to get rid of unwanted guests. Or, better yet, adopt a barn cat!


This is a perfect time to sow new seeds! You may want to get a soil sample taken.

Address Drainage Issues

Do you have spots that get wet or muddy? Address these areas now, before they turn into ice rinks!

Get Ready For Ice

Nobody likes chopping ice out of buckets. Consider installing heated buckets. Or, stock up on tools to help get ice out of water, such as spaghetti spoons.

Consider Having An Event

This one is completely optional, but it can be fun. Consider hosting a charity event, such as a hay ride or barn dance.

Check Fences

Take the time to walk your property line and repair any fencing that needs it. This is a perfect autumn chore!

Contact us, your Wichita, KS animal clinic, for all of your animals’ care needs. We’re happy to help!