Spring is here! If you have a barn and/or farm, chances are you are never short on chores. There’s always something that needs to be done! However, you may find that your to-do list is even longer than usual at this time of year. A Derby vet lists a few things to see to in this article.


As soon as the snow is gone, give your property a full inspection. This includes your barn, fences, and any sheds or outbuildings you have. Look closely at things like appliances, wiring, lighting, and automatic feeders. Also, make sure that your gates and doors are in good shape, and that they open and close easily and securely.  


Drainage issues often rear their heads at this time of year. Pay close attention to wet areas. You may need to dig some trenches to help divert water from soggy areas.


Spring cleaning isn’t just about making things look nice. It will also help address potential hazards. Cobwebs, for instance, can actually be fire risks. You’ll also want to get rid of any debris that may have accumulated, such as fallen limbs.

Winter Storage

Clean and store any winter gear, such as thick blankets and heated buckets. Just keep a few thinner blankets out for chilly spring and fall nights.

Pest Control

This is the time to get ahead of flies, mice, and other unwanted guests. Look into getting fly predators. Got mice? Consider adopting a barn cat! Many kitties would be more than happy to earn their keep.

Food Storage

Your hay storage loft or shed also needs a good inspection. Check for any signs of mold or heavy dust, and get rid of any hay that may be bad. We also recommend sweeping out the room or area you store hay in and scrubbing out your food storage bins, buckets, and troughs.

Smoke Detector

Don’t forget about your smoke detectors! Make sure that yours are still in good shape, and that the batteries are still good.

Schedule Veterinary Care

You’ll also need to make sure that your animals are healthy and ready for the summer. Parasite control, exams, dental care, and, for some animals, farrier visits, should all be on the agenda. This is the perfect time to make an appointment with your vet and farrier.

As your Derby pet hospital, we’re here to help. Call us anytime!