Did you know that over 80 percent of dogs over age three have some form of dental trouble? Dental care is just as important for pets as it is for people! Unfortunately, it’s often overlooked, even by the most loving pet parents. Read on as a Wichita, KS vet discusses doggy dental trouble.

Common Issues

Man’s Best Friend can develop many of the same issues as people can, including missing or misaligned teeth, abscesses, and infections. Fido sometimes cracks or breaks his teeth on hard objects. Overcrowding is also not uncommon, especially in little dogs. Gum disease is another big concern. This dangerous disease is painless in its early stages, but has been connected to some very serious health issues, such as heart disease and liver trouble. Needless to say, these problems can be both painful and dangerous for dogs!


Fido can’t tell you if his choppers hurt, and he can’t make himself a dental appointment. It’s up to you to look for warning signs. Bad breath is probably the most common one. Other red flags include stringy or ropy drool; visible tartar buildup; and bloody smears on your furry friend’s toys or dishes. Fido may not be very interested in play, and he may act grumpy or withdrawn. You may also see changes in the way your pup eats. He may dribble food, chew on one side of his mouth, take longer eating, or ignore hard foods and treats. Contact your vet right away if you notice any of these signs.

Home Care

We recommend getting your canine buddy’s choppers checked by a vet at least once a year, starting in puppyhood. In between visits, you’ll want to take steps to keep your furry pal’s mouth healthy. Brushing is the most effective thing you can do. Start slow, to get your pooch used to the idea. Also, be sure to use only products made for pets. If Fido won’t sit still to let you clean his choppers, ask your vet about other options. There are now quite a few products aimed at helping keep pets’ teeth healthy, including oral rinses, dental flakes, and dental-formula chews and treats. Last but not least, make sure your pooch always has fresh water and suitable chew toys.

Do you know or suspect that your canine companion has dental trouble? As your Wichita, KS vet clinic, we’re here to help!